torsdag den 30. september 2010

Mexico: Carnival of Mazatlán

Carnival in Mexico is said to be the third largest carnival celebration in the world and one of the oldest, attracting between 300.000-400.000 people every year from all around Mexico and across the world. It is traditionally held in February the week before Shrovetide.

The carnival of Mazatlan goes back more than 100 years with no changes, other than the themes of each year. The carnival is celebrating the joy of life and at the same time the love and passion for the arts: music, dance, literature, poetry and painting.

The celebration offers the coronation of the Queen of Carnival, the "Carnavaldome" which takes place on Avenida del Mar on Playa Norte, in the northern part of town, which is the primary focus of the street action. The temporary assortment of stages and booths feature continuous music-tropical, mariachi, rock, and north-food vendors, outrageous costume-wearing and all-night dancing throughout the festival.

They arrange events such as coronation of the flower queen, prestigious Clemencia Isaura Poetry Award, a 68-year old tradition, that honours the best-unpublished work from anywhere in Mexico. Performances by major Latin artists and followed by "Burning of Bad Humor," in which an effigy – usually modelled after an unpopular politician of the day – is hanged and burned.

See more pictures from Carnival in Mexico: Click here

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