torsdag den 30. september 2010

Brazil: Rio Carnival experience it all yourself!

The carnival in Rio de Janeiro is not only one of the world’s best-known carnivals, but it is also one of the biggest gathering and the most famous holiday in Brazil. Hundreds of thousands of people visit the beautiful country of Brazil every year for this glorious celebration. The carnival in Rio is of such importance that the country grinds to a halt for an entire week, while intense celebrations go on day and night in the streets of Rio.
The dates of the carnival change each year, but it is mostly held during the month of February and always 40 days before Easter.
One of the things that characterize this carnival is the many samba schools that compete in order to be known as the best samba school in Brazil, and the fact that it is very much influenced by African-Brazilian culture.
You will find a huge variation of samba rhythms, as well as the famous "marchinhas" played by the "bandas" in the streets. The official Carnival parades in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo take place in the Sambodromo near the city centre.

However, there is more to this carnival than the parades, as you will encounter loads of festivities throughout the city and you are more than welcome to either participate or simply watch.

See more pictures from Carnival in Rio: Click here and here

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